As a young girl, I loved TV commercials. The 1990s Norwegian Cruiseline, “It’s Different Out Here” commercials to be exact. The images, and the music all spoke to me and I knew I wanted to create visuals that moved people. However, being a woman of color, doing so proved to be a challenge—at first. You […]
CYPRESS, TX., — PrettyWork Studios announced today that My Father, The Queen has been selected as a Semi-Finalist in the 2023 The BlkScript’s Inaugural Screenplay List. The screenplay was written by Lisa N. Alexander and is currently in pre-production with an anticipated release in 2024. The screenplay won the best LGBT script from Best Script […]
Last Friday night, I was surrounded by BEAUTIFUL Black men—some straight, some gay, some bisexual. They were young, and some were probably old enough to be my father. As I spoke, I watched them nod in approval and listen intently. And it was at that moment that I clearly understood that my story IS THEIR […]
The community is invited to a unique cultural and filmmaking event, Friday, November 3, 2023, from 6:30 – 8 p.m. at The Connection in Chicago’s Bronzeville area. CYPRESS, TX, USA, October 20, 2023 — At the intersection of gospel music, universal family dynamics, and the Black and LGBTQ+ Communities, Black Alphabet, along with filmmaker Lisa N. […]
Nikki Klugh of Nikki Klugh Designs CYPRESS, TX., — PrettyWork Studios announced today that Nikki Klugh of the Nikki Klugh Design Group will be the set designer for their upcoming feature film, “My Father, The Queen.” The announcement was made today by the studio president, and the film’s writer and director, Lisa N. Alexander. Klugh […]
Chicago opened up for us because of two people—Linda Robinson and Professor L. Stanely Davis. Today we are saddened to learn of Professor Davis’ passing. He was on board with the project as soon as he learned of it. He wanted “My Father, The Queen” to be done right. And by right I mean copyright […]
I am a queerspawn. And not just a queerspawn but a queerspawn elder. I had no idea that children of queer parents had banded together and given themselves a name. I learned about my new community during a podcast interview with Anne Marie of Coming Out & Beyond. The interview will air in 2024. She […]
I know it’s impossible to turn back the hands of time. There are so many moments I feel so completely robbed of. A childhood with an active father is one of them. However, his absence contributed to the strength I can not deny. I hate having to be strong all the time but I literally […]
Dear Streaming Services, You don’t know me…yet. My name is Lisa N. Alexander. At the time of this letter, I’m 53 and have just written my first feature film, My Father The Queen. I have every intention of producing and directing the project. Now before you click away, you should know I have won awards […]